Home > Structure > English > Manuals > User Maunal > permissioning system > Assign permissions to groups
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Assign permissions to groups

Normally, permissions are assigned to user groups.

In order to assign permissions, proceed as follows:

After you have clicked on "next >>" in the input mask, a group overview (see picture below, point 1) is displayed.

permission groups - 1306735.1

If you click on a name, a window opens. There you can see a short description of the group as well as the number of users who have been assigned to the group. For further information on platform groups, see chapter "Group function".

users - berechtigungen gruppeninformation [en] - 263711.2

(2) If you create a fact in a folder, the permissions of the folder are suggested as permissions for the fact. Adapt the pre-selection according to your wished by clicking in the checkboxes (see picture above, point 2).

(3) In the legend, each icon is described. For detailed explanation on permissions, see chapter "Permissions".

Author: Astrid Holzhauser, CK; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Published by: factline GmbH (factline6)
factID: 109568.24 (...history); published on 24 Mär. 2009 17:28
Structure  >  English  >  Manuals  >  User Maunal  >  permissioning system 
Referers (18):
Groups30 Sep. 2015factlink
Create content - alternative 118 Jän. 2012factlink
Copy content18 Jän. 2012factlink
Publish content18 Jän. 2012factlink
Create content - alternative 218 Jän. 2012factlink
show all 18 referers.