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Example: Assigning permissions

padmin_servicepermissions_bsp.png - 136594.6

General access and create permissions
1. access + readrelevant only for platforms with a standard header:
Guests and logged-in users of the system ("universe") can see the service button "Image" in the menu bar.
2. access + writeThe group "Testplattform [main group]" and the group "Mitarbeiter" can create image-facts in general.

Suggestion for the permissioning of single facts:
3. standard + read In case users don't change this setting, all guests and logg-in users can see the published image.
4. standard + write In case users don't change this setting, only users of "Mitarbeiter" and the publisher itself can edit the image-fact.

info3 - 125057.2
Explanation of the pre-defined groups in the FCS-platforms
"universe": all = users + guests
"main group": all users that register on the platform. The registration possibility is not limited!

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Autor: Astrid Holzhauser; Copyright: factline Webserivces GmbH; Publiziert von: Astrid Holzhauser (Astrid_H)
factID: 190091.3 (...Archiv); Publiziert am 25 Mär. 2005 14:13
struktur  >  English  >  Manuals  >  p-admin manuals  >  services 
Verweis(e) (2):
Assign service permissions06 Okt. 2010factlink
table of contents23 Nov. 2009factlink